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Fishing Tips
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1041. Powerbait For Trout  Freshwater
If you use powerbait, this tip is for you. Use a size 10-14 treble and cover it all over. Also, use a 4 POUND LEADER! This is very important because the bait floats like a cork on light line. Cast out, Wait for a nibble, bring him in, enjoy a Fried Trout Dinner!

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1042. Better worms for Better BlueGills  Freshwater
Worms work fine, but i have found a way to make em work twice as good. Try drenching them with Baitmate attractant. The Gills Hit very viciously on the newly scented worms.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1043. BlueGills on the Fly  Fly Fishing
Catching big bluegills on a flyrod is a very fun way to spend a day fishing. For flies, i like size 8-12 mini poppers, in black, white, and chartreuse, and a variety of small dries, like the adams or mosquito. Cast in the shallows early in the morning and at dusk, and fish a bit deeper during the day.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1044. Spoons for BlueGills  Freshwater
Me and my friend Tim figured this one out. In summer when the fish are fairly deep, use a small spoon, with one of the hook points tipped with a worm. The Bluegills love the flash and scent, and they hammer it.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1045. Ice Fishing for Perch  Ice Fishing
Heres a tip that will help you get more perch this ice fishing season. Try tipping your jig or ice spoon with a tiny piece of plastic worm, scented. It will make the bait feel "alive", so fish will hold on longer.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1046. The ultimate Bullhead bait  Freshwater
Many anglers use only worms or crawlers to hook up with mini mr. whiskers. But i have found a bait that works just as well, if not better. Try using the meat of perch or sunfish. This bait works extremely well, and can be used in a combo with crawlers/worms.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1047. Get those bait stealing BlueGills  Freshwater
When many anglers fish for bluegills, they find out that their bait is stolen quite often. To prevent this, try threading your worm on the hook. The Gills will get hooked everytime.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1048. Flies for the bow river  Fly Fishing
The flies I have found the most help are the elk hair caddis flies (tan colour), hoppers. In the fall, worms and prince nymphes for wet flies.

LBF Member: juice
1049. Flipping and casting  Bass Fishing
The best time to flip the cover on the banks is summer time. That's where most of your catches will be. I would throw a plastic worm. You can experiment and try different tecniques. In the fall, you want to try and cast into deeper water. That's where they hang out when the water is cold. I would use a 1/4 to 3/8 ounce jig in this situation.

LBF Member: Bassmasta
1050. Quick fixing plastics  General Fishing
If your fishing with soft plastics and you get a rip in it, either use a lighter to melt it back together or super glue to glue it. It only takes a couple of seconds and will save you the time of going through your tackle to find another one.

1051. Maintenance  Freshwater
Maintenance is very important, or at least it should be for all fishermen. Clean your reels every once in awhile to keep them functioning well, maybe even lubricate them now and then. Change the line on your reels, I recommend at least once a year. Change the hooks on your lures, clean out your tackle box. Overall, this will make you a better angler.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1052. Fishing for Bluegill  Freshwater
When fishing for bluegill, try using live beemoths. You can find these at any bait shop, and they are pretty cheap. Bluegills love these things, and you can catch them all day.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1053. Hot weather fishing  Freshwater
On hot days, it is best to get up early, before the sun rises, and fish. The temperature is cooler, and the fish are more active. When it gets hotter, the fish retrieve into deeper water. When fishing in the early morning, try using topwater lures and crankbaits.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1054. Worm tips  Freshwater
Insert a toothpick into the tail of a texas or carolina rigged worm. This will make the tail float a little better. Also try soaking the toothpick in fish attractant too.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1055. color of lure  Freshwater
When choosing the color of a lure to use, you must pay attention to water clarity. If the water is murky then darker colors work best. If the water is clear, go with a lighter shade. Also when night fishing, the dark colors appear better to fish.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1056. crappie rig  Freshwater
When Crappie fishing try this rig: On a medium sized crankbait, on the back hook, tie on a light-line leader about 12" long with a jighead and a curly tail grub on the end.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1057. Where to find the fish  Freshwater
Bass need coverage, so when finding a good spot to fish look for weedbeds, submerged logs or stumps, or anything that would provide coverage for a fish. Also look for an area of water that is shaded, bass prefer shade.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1058. When the fish aren't biting  Freshwater
When the fish aren't working with you, before you call it a day, try something different. Try lures that you wouldn't normally use. Such as big rattlin' crankbaits, giant worms, big 3 or 4 bladed spinnerbaits, etc. And try to present them in different ways every cast before you give up.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1059. What size lure?  Freshwater
In murky or muddy water you should use a bigger lure to fish with. Also something that makes alot noise, such as a rattle. When the water is clearer, you should downgrade to a smaller sized lure.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1060. topwater bass fishing  Freshwater
Work on targeting the shady side of cover and fish near deep water. When casting, make your lures enter the water as softly as possible. It is very important to be quiet when topwater fishing, make longer casts, especially in clear water.

LBF Member: ajgarber83
1061. Ice Fishing Insurance  Freshwater
Tie a couple of screwdrivers to a long string. Now if you fall through you have something to dig into the ice to pull yourself out. This is a no brainer, JUST DO IT. It could save your life or someone else. Your welcome h2o

LBF Member: h2o
1062. Are You Running With Dead Gas?  Boating
A few years back I thought it was a good idea to take the old gas out of my boat so I wouldn’t damage my outboard with poor detonation. But I was not willing to throw it away. So I pulled it from my boat’s tank and added it to my truck. It did okay the first two hours on my way to the Potomac river but on my return trip when I reached the Chesapeake Bay Bridge I couldn’t get more than 15 miles per hour. Lesson learned: Keep my gas fresh!

After this experience I have used a fuel stabilizer and haven’t had that problem since. I use stabilizer all year to keep the gas fresh, preventing detonation problems which can lead to blown cylinders. When I winterize the boat I add more stabilizer per instructions on the bottle for the extended period of idleness.

Since this event I have learned even the best grade and brand of gasoline can go bad (loses octane value) in two months time. When deciding where to purchase your fuel determine if you’ll be able to burn it off before it does. Consider how fresh the fuel is when purchasing a tank full. Think about the tank the service station you uses. Fuel is stored in their tank for a period of time before it is refreshed when the distributor’s truck comes to refill their storage tank. A station that fills only once a month means you could have month old gas going into your tank. You’d have to burn it all up in the month to keep fresh fuel in your boat. This is why I will only fill up at high volume dealers. Those that are located in major shopping areas or on the main highway. This way I am sure the fuel I purchase is the octane advertised. Still I will use stabilizer to maintain the quality of my fuel.

LBF Member: jerryjay11

1063. Extend Your Battery Life  Boating
After a day of fishing your batteries will need to be charged. Don't let them sit for extended periods partially charged as this will shorten battery life. Before charging check the level of each cell and add distilled water only. Never use tap water as it may contain chemicals that can harm your batteries. You can purchase distilled water at your local grocery store for less than a buck or buy a counter top distiller at SEARS for around $99.00 and always have distilled water on hand.

Keep the battery terminals clean with a solution of warm water and baking soda. Coat the terminals with protectant available at any auto parts store. Check the tightness of the battery leads to ensure a good contact. This will prevent poor charging and enhance the performance of your electronics or trolling motor.

If you are storing your boat for the Winter it is best to remove your batteries and store them in your basement or garage. Through the Winter months check and charge them periodically to keep them at full charge. Perform all the steps above and you’ll benefit by not replacing batteries every year.

LBF Member: jerryjay11

1064. Jigging  Ice Fishing
Try not to go all out on your jigging (dont do it to much or too little) you want to present the lure to the fish as if it were real. so you should jig your pole every 20-30 sec.

LBF Member: skaterstud68
1065. Be kind to the fish  Freshwater
More and more I have been noticing dead fish that people have caught and released. Alot of times they are not treating the fish correctly and removing the slime off the sides of the fish. Another cause is When they are removing the hooks they are causing some severe damage to the mouth and throat. I suggest using barbless hooks if the lure you are using has barbs file them off. I have probably lost a few fish cause of it but I am sure they lived afterwards. Keep your hooks sharp.


LBF Member: Dingo726

1066. Light wire hooks and Crappies  Freshwater
When fishing in snaggy areas for Crappies or other panfish, try using a light wire or extra light wire hook. This way, if you get snagged, all you need to do is pull steadily and the hook will bend and come free.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1067. Better BlueGill Bait  Freshwater
When using a worm for BlueGill, as most people do, try threading the worm on the hook, This way, the little panfish will have a harder time stealing the bait and you will hook more fish.

LBF Member: BlueGill33
1068. Chumming for stream trout  General Fishing
When we were kids in Vermont, we would use this method to try to trigger a feeding frenzy in our favorite trout holes.

Tie the end of a 40'- 50' rope to a log up and across the stream from where you will be casting to. Carefully, so as not to tangle or bind the rope, walk back to where you plan to cast from. Pull on the rope, and drag the log into and across the stream. The resulting debris cloud puts trout on the alert for food drifing into their hidey-hole. Cast into the back of the cloud, and be prepared!

LBF Member: Aquaman

1069. Finesse Weedless  Bass Fishing
Make a hook weedless by first threading the hookend into one open end of small diameter surgical tubing, and poke it out through the side. Run the piece up to the eye, and now trim the tubing so that the other open end just barely springs over the hook point.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1070. Lighter Sinkers  General Fishing
I like to use glass beads in lieu of a bullet sinker for both Texas and Carolina rigs in shallow water & weeds. The glass casts well, sinks slower, and rattles well. The glass beads are more likely to graze over the tops of the weeds, rather than sink right into the base of the tangles.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1071. Chum for Bass???  Freshwater
In most states it's legal to chum with cream corn for carp. In May, June and July Largemouth Bass of the 3-4 lb variety will form small schools behind lake carp, to pick up the critters that the carp churn up from the bottom. Late spring early summer - if you can find carp - there will be Bass.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1072. Rod & Reel Case-Homemade  General Fishing
-section of 3" white pvc as long as your rod
-3" white pvc cap
-section of 6" pvc big enough for reel (6" long or less)
-two caps for 6" pvc
-pvc cleaner and glue(follow directions on cans)

Glue one cap onto 6" section Glue 3" pipe to center of convex side of cap (scribe pipe to fit snugly) Put rod into long section of 3", loosely cap. Put reel into 6" area, loosely cap

Costs about $8.00

LBF Member: Aquaman

1073. Covering Water  General Fishing
When you're on a new lake and need to cover lots of water - try speed-trolling a shallow crank or a spinnerbait at about 4 or 5 miles per hour, 20-30 yards behind you. This can annoy pike, big bass and muskies into hitting it hard.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1074. Threading a crawler  Freshwater
Use a thin, tiny crochet hook inserted through the crawler to pull your leader-loop through it. Now snap loop into swivel, and bammo - live crawler with a hook in it's tail.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1075. Float beads for Plastics  Freshwater
To keep a plastic worm neutrally bouyant, I use plastic grapes, from a craft store. A dab of superglue at the grape's opening secures them to the worm. They come in chartruese and purple - just like worms.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1076. Leader Organizer  General Fishing
For tangle-free storage of pre-tied leaders, snells and rigs - Get some foam insulation for 3/4" pipe and cut to desired lengths. Slit along length if not pre-slit. Insert loop or swivel end into the slit, and wrap leader around the tube. Embed hook into foam.

LBF Member: Aquaman
1077. Don't become a broken record  General Fishing
There is more than one right way to fish any technique. Be creative when you are fishing and don't get stuck in a rut with a technique. The more variations you can have of a technique the more productive you will become.

1078. Live Crawfish for Big Bass  Freshwater
One of the most deadly baits i have seen for bass is a crawfish. Crawfish are notorious for going after infant fish and the eggs of fish during the spawn. There are several very good soft plastic crawfish out there but the real thing is the best. Crawfish can be caught in any small body of water or runoff spot. The prime spot that produces the most crawfish for me is under a bridge when flooding has occurred or the rains have been high. When the water goes down there will be isolated puddles of water and standing water. Use a dipnet or anothe type of net and try to catch as many crawfish as you can. If you dont have a good place to catch crawfish in your area try the local baitshop they usually stock them when the time is right.

To preserve your bait and keep them alive put just a little bit of water in a large container or bucket and add lots of grass. I have found this to be the ideal habitat for crawfish, dont leave them underwater without a way out they will drown. Crayfish live in very shallow water and have to come up for air at sometime, if you dont put rocks or blades of grass you may be disappointed when all of your bait is dead.

Give the crawfish a try and see how the bass like them, just watch out for the pinchers, the big ones really hurt.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1079. Economic Livewell: keep bait alive longer  Freshwater
One of the things that all bank fisherman have to deal with is keeping bait alive. I love to fish live bait especially when searching for large catfish or crappie. A simple way to keep your fish alive longer is to make a portable live well. A few simple supplies and a few minutes of your time will keep your bait alive and kicking for several days.

First you will need a large plastic tub or icechest.

1. Drill 2 small holes in the top of the icechest.One of each end.

2. make sure it is big enough to fit a aquarium tubing through, run the tubing to the bottom of the tank and secure it to the lid, this can be done with a rubber plug and rubber cement.

3. Attatch a portable aerator pump, they can usually be purchased for as little as $5. But there are better ones on the market in the $20-30 range.

4. Secure the pump to the side of the icechest with a clip or rubber stripping.Dont use the cement because the aerator runs on batteries and you will need to replace them if you use it frequently.

5.Attatch bubble tubes or air stones to the end of the tube inside the cooler this will add extra aeration and keep the water moving within the cooler.

6. Hook up the tubing to the aerator and add water to the cooler, aerate the cooler and see how it works.

I use this setup everytime I plan to use livebait, if you only need to use a small amount of bait try this with a small bucket with a lid.

There are other ways to do this in which you can run pvc pipe and an expensive aerator that is powered by a 12volt adapter, but this is the most economical way to preserve you baits.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1080. Hook Removers and Pliers: fishermans best friend  General Fishing
A standard rule of thumb is to place a pair of pliers or a hook remover in your tacklebag. When you are fishing with treble hooks and baits with extremely sharp hooks be prepared. I have made the mistake of trying to unhook a fish with a treble hook and paid the price, its not pleasant to have to have a hook cut out of your hand.

An everyday pair of pliers works great for hook removals and for a clean release, dont try and rip a hook from a fishes mouth and then release it. The fish will most likely die if it does not heal up due to the damage caused to its mouth by the hook being ripped out.

Go to your local tackle store or hardware shop and pick up a $5 pair of pliers, trust me the time will come when you wish you had them

LBF Member: dwaynez

1081. Capture the moment: Take a picture!  General Fishing
A simple word of advise, capture the moment. Make it a rule to always carry a camera with you when fishing, you never know when you will land the fish of your dreams. How many times have you told your friends or family about the giant fish you caught and released, well the proof is in the shot. If there is someone nearby have them take the picture of you and your prized catch or even take a picture of the fish while on a soft bank.

I have more photos of fish than I can count and my collection grows everyday. The memories are preserved in print for a lifetime.

Even if its not the worlds best camera have an everyday camera in the $20-30 range in your vehicle or tacklebag for that special day.

A little preparation goes a long way.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1082. Lure maintenance and cleanup  General Fishing
On a regular basis its a good idea to pull out your lures and check them for bent hookes, loose guides, or damaged areas. I take a few hours after a fishing trip or on a non fishing day to inspect and repair my lures. You will be amazed at how many lures can be saved from the scrap pile if a little maintenance is performed.

check the rings on rattletraps and crankbaits make sure the small screws that hold in the hooks are not loose or damaged.If the rings are bad put on a new one or tighten up those loose screws. If a hook is dull sharpen the hook now instead of losing a fish due to a pure hookset.

Also clean your lures, mud and moss have a tendancey to get into small areas of the bais or around the hooks. I use a damp rag with warm water and clean my lures if they are in need of a little touchup.

By performing a little simple cleaning and repair you can extend the life of many favorite lures and use them on many more fishing trips

LBF Member: dwaynez

1083. Jig Techniques ( a few of my favorites )  Freshwater
I am a big fan of jigs all makes and models, with or without a trailer. I use this as a go to bait as well as a scout bait to test the waters. I love to use a 3/8 oz rattleback jig, it brings them into feeding mode and keeps them excited. I will use this lure without a trailer to start with and then add the trailer if the bite does not appear. There are several different ways to fish a jig, I will list a few of my proven techniques that have worked in the past for me.

Drop and pop
This technique consists of dropping the lure to the bottom and popping it up and down along the bottom. This will stir up the mud and sediment on the bottom and bring the fish in. A jig imitates food whether you consider it to be a shad type lure or a crawfish. I love the way a jig will kick up the mud and cause a cloud just like a fleeing baitfish or an irate crawfish. This technique is great for deep water or a very slow bite, it will cause bass to strike when they are sluggish.

Slow retrieve
This technique involves casting the jig and letting it sink for 1 to 2 seconds and beginning the retrieval. I love this technique with a trailer, usually a grub. I reel the lure at a slow and steady pace with the grub trailing behind. This technique has produced an enormous amount of hits and strikes over my fishing years. I have caught more big bass on this technique than any other jig techniques even the drop and pop technique.

Fast retrieve
This technique is just the same as the slow retrieve except you burn the lure through the water. This usually causes a bass to chase it to the shore and strike near the bank. When the jig hits the water and is retrieved in a quick manner the skirt flares up and the bass go crazy. I love using this technique during the summer time. On a hot day the bass are roaming and looking to feed, give the impression of a fleeing baitfish and have fun.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1084. fishing with soft plastics  Bass Fishing
when you are fishing for bass and nothing works try putting a seltzer peice into a worm and such.

LBF Member: hi man
1085. What to use to fish for bass  Bass Fishing
The best thing to use when you are fishing for bass is to use live bait. There is nothing that moves more natural than live bait. The best is of course worms.

LBF Member: hi man
1086. fishing for catfish  Freshwater
for fishing with catfish you should get a #2 trebble hook and make some dough using parmesan cheese, a little bit of flour, and water make sure it turns out like paste. Then you can catch big catfish

LBF Member: hi man
1087. A Sure thing For Cats?  Freshwater
I was recently talking to an old lady who lives off Mill Creek here in Kansas. Mill Creek is my favorite Catfish body of water but sometimes you cant catch anything. Well the old lady told me that when the cats are not biting she uses a treble hook with a cottonball on it then she squirts a little bit of WD-40 on it and it gets the cats biting. I do not know if it is true I have heard a similar story before and I am not sure I want to eat a fish that likes WD-40 too. But if your desperate to catch a fish give it a try.

LBF Member: dingo726
1088. Make your own little honey hole  Freshwater
After X-Mas save your old tree , set it outside and let the needles fall off. You may take your neighbors too I used 3 trees. Find you a secluded area you like to fish that does not produce much and toss them in the water. I threw mine in water that was about 7 feet deep as soon as it thawed out. It makes a great refuge for fish and they will hang around it all year long. Add to it every year and you will have made your own little private hot spot. Do not put it in water that has a current or you will be wasting your time. Good Luck!

LBF Member: dingo726
1089. Past personal history.  Bass Fishing
Have you ever gone out fishing and not caught anything and sometimes caught a boatload? If you have do you wonder why? The answer to this question is in a log. In a log you can keep track of the fish you caught, where,when,how,what the weather was and the lure you used. You can review these things and find out a winning combonation. This will help you become a better fishermen.

LBF Member: basshawg
1090. Different tube fishing  Bass Fishing
Ever have a day when your favorite tube just wont work? Try putting the cone head inside the tube. This creats a different fall and motion. This may attract a fishes attention more.

LBF Member: basshawg
1091. To many weeds to catch fish  General Fishing
Here is a quik but basic tip you can use to catch some fish. When you get too many weeds to fish you should make your lure weedless. You slide the top of the hook and the barb of the hook into the lure so their is nothing to snag weeds.

LBF Member: basshawg
1092. Beach Stripers on poppers  Saltwater
Stripers are the most amazing fighting fish in the sea. Poppers are a good bait for stripers. When selecting a color popper look at the sky. If the sky is blue use ablue popper, if the sky is gray use a gray popper and so on. It is also extreemely inportant that the popper has eyes. The striper looks at the lure before it is about to strike and it looks at its eyes. So next time you cant catch a fish tie on a popper and you will have a good chance of having striper dinner.

LBF Member: basshawg
1093. Stronger and Longer running engines  Boating
To make your electric moter run stronger and longer I have some tips to do so. If your prop has niks on the edges you should sand it down until it is smooth. You also may want to take your prop off first. Then you can check for weeds, line or any other gunk that may get stuck in their. hile your prop is off you may want to check your drive pin. If the pin is not straight you will want to replace it with another one from your local boating store. These tips will make your engine run true and strong.

LBF Member: basshawg
1094. Protect yourself while outdoors  General Fishing
A simple tip that will preserve your fishing lifestyle and your life in general is to protect yourself while outdoors. One of the most painful experiences I have ever had was fishing mid-summer and not protecting myself from the harmful uv rays. The sun beat down on me for hours on end and I never gave it a second thaught, until i blistered the next day from the intense burn i recieved.

I now make it a point to always wear sunscreen and a cap while out fishing, there are several types of sunscreen made specifically for people who have an outdoor lifestyle. They are scent free and will not run from sweat or moisture. A quality fishing cap should also be warn while outside, but make sure to cover your ears with suncreen. Your ears are very sensitive and can be damaged and severly burned by the sun, take the time to cover yourself and preserve not only your outdoor lifestyle but your life in general.

I have learned from experience not to skip the small stuff and protect myself at all times, its easy to forget so I always pack and extra tube of suncreen in my tackle bag. It is just as important to me on a fishing trip as my favorite fishing lures.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1095. Clean Tasting River Fish  Freshwater
Have any of you ever eaten a carp, buffalo, or even a catfish taken from low water areas, well I have. The fish in low water ares are usually surrounded by stained water that has a high sediment or mud content. I have found a simple way for those of you that fish muddy water or low water to make the fish taste fresh. I made the mistake of keeping a channel cat caught in a muddy river and the meat was the worst tasting i had ever had, the gritty taste made it unbearable. Well I tried something and it made a world of difference. If you have a large water troff of bucket nearby fill it with water from the tap or the faucet outside, put the fish into it the fish must still be alive for this too work. A fish breathes out toxins and sediment through its gills, the oxygen comes in the toxins go out. Well if the fish stays in the water overnight he will breath out the sediments and clean his body.

A perfect example was a large carp that a friend of mine caught, he loves to smoke the carp but he hates the dirty taste when the fish comes from the river. Well I fixed a large tub of water and put the carp into it. The next morning the bright color of the fish had returned, perviously he was a dull color. The fish was swimming in clean water with a pile of dirt beneath him. The fish filtered out the dirty water and sediment. Later the fish was cleaned and prepared and the fish never tasted better, my friend was amazed by this simple technique. So for those of you who love to fish rivers even when the water is down try using a fresh bucket of water overnight and see if it helps clean the toxins and sediment from the fish.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1096. Better Tasting Fish Through Springwater  Freshwater
I have found an easy way to make fish fillets taste clean and fresh from the freezer. I have been a long time fan of keeping fish for the table, not all of my fish are harvested but some are. Thats the way nature evolves some fish are to be consumed, not in excess but enough to feed you or your family. I had several instances where after cleaning my fish and freezing them they had a dirty or sandy flavor, especially with catfish. One way to prevent this is to fillet the fish as each fillet is prepare drop them into a container filled with ice water, this will make the fillets become firm and keeps them fresh. After finishing your cleaning then add your fillets to a ziplock freezer bag and cover them completely in spring water, not tap water but spring water. I have found that after thawing the fish out the spring water will again cover the fish and when prepared the fish will have a very clean taste. I dont know if this will work for all fish but for bass, crappie, or catfish it has always worked and the meat has never tasted better

LBF Member: dwaynez
1097. Respooling your line the right way  General Fishing
When you are going to respool your line make sure that the line is wet, this will prevent line rub and also make sure you get the proper amount of line onto the spool. If the line is dry it rubs while being spooled and could result in frayed line which could cause you to loose a fish. Also it results in more line tangles and backlashes due to the fact the line is too dry and did not fill the spool correctly.

A simple remedy to this problem is to use a five gallon bucket with enough water to cover the spool. Put the spool into the bucket and let it absorb some water, then begin filling your reel. The line will roll onto the reel smoothly with the water and the proper amount of line will be put onto the reel. Avoid the displeasure of making your first cast and having a major backlash or a tangled messs, vs a perfectly smooth cast that will get you where you need to be.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1098. Super Glue the soft plastic bait saver  Freshwater
A simple way to save your soft plastics from falling off the hook is to put a small dab of super glue at the top of the hook. For instance rig a tube bait weedless or texas rigged and at the top of the drop superglue and imbed into the lure. The glue will keep it secure through a fishing trip. When a fish is caught just secure the hook tip into the body and dont worry about the top of the lure. This also works well when texas rigging worms it will secure the worm to the hook.

If you are jig fishing and attatching a grub or plastic trailer then add a drop of glue to the base of the jig head push the soft plastic up and it will be secured for a long fishing trip.

Give superglue a try something everyone has around the house that will lessen the discomfort of constantly rehooking plastic baits.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1099. Summer time hawgs  Bass Fishing
In the dead heat of the summer I have found that a brown jig works well. Bass will also go for blue/black jigs. I catch these fish in shady spots and in lilly pads. I use any trailor I can think up. worms crayfish anything. I caught five five pound fish in an hour using the crawling jig technieque.

LBF Member: basshawg
1100. Strange ghosts in late fall  Bass Fishing
Ever see giant swarms of little fish swimming on the surface in mid fall? They are shad, a basses favorite prey. The shad are cilver and have a spot on them. If you can get access to the middle of these schools with a spiner or a rattle trap you are sure to get a hit. I also like to use cranke baits at this time. Lunkers will feed on these things for a week or so and go back to normal behavior. You will see many fish with a huge belly. So if it's too late to go for these shad you can go for them next year.

LBF Member: basshawg
1101. Lizard Tricks  Bass Fishing
Ever see bass popping up on lilly pads for no reason? They are going for lizards. To catch these bass you should cast your lizard on top of a lilly pad, especialy on the edge of the lillies. When it gets to the edge inch it off the end of the lilly. Then wait a moment and let it sink to the bottom. The strike will most likely come when the lure is at mid depth to the bottom. It is best to use this technieque in spring.

LBF Member: basshawg
1102. Hand Sanitizers Friend or Foe  General Fishing
Hand sanitizers were never geared towards fisherman until recently. More and more companies are producing hand sanitizers that will remove the smell of fish and keep your hands nice and clean. I like to use the sanitizers to keep my reels from getting scents and oils from baits i am using. I will routinesly was my hands so i dont have greasy attractants smeared all over my reel. Some sanitizers should not be used when fishing because they will leave an odor on your bait that will warn the fish of your presence, the ones to use are the outdoor specific types. Sanitizers that are scent free, they will not cause the fish to stray from your bait. The first time I used a sanitizer my fishing was horrible, i couldnt get a bite when everyone else was catching them. I later learned I chose the wrong sanitizer and the fish could smell it and they did not approve, I will never make that mistake again.

Sanitizers are very useful, I always carry a small bottle in my box. Try a sanitizer to keep your hands and equipment clean and odor free.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1103. Reel Maintenance for Long Lasting Equipment  Freshwater
One thing that many fisherman fail to do is perform routine maintenance on their equipment. Reels become clogged with sand and grime over time, the grease in the gears begins to harden from cold weather and reels can become damaged. Rods need to be checked for cracks, guides can become warn, which will leave sharp edges and result in more broken lines.

I make it a point to clean my rods and reels on a monthly basis, some may feel this is extreme, but fishing equipment is not cheap and i would much rather maintain it than have to replace it. If you are not comfortable with taking your reels apart and greasing the gears and tightening loose bolts and screws then take it to a local repair shop. There are tons of these shops around, pay a few bucks once or twice a year for a routine cleaning and repair. It will expand the life of your equipment and that favorite rod and reel combo will hit the water and not the junk pile. I learned my lesson the hard way and decided to take the time to keep my equipment up to par and I have never regreted the time spent.

LBF Member: dwaynez

1104. Small Boats for hard to reach places  Boating
If you love to fish the hard to reach places that are too hard to reach even by boat try the following ideas. Use a small 2 man boat or a flat bottom boat in the 10-12 ft class. I been able to get too those hard to reach places with a smaller boat, or even a float tube. Fly fisherman have used the float tubes for years now bassfishrman are catching on. Use the float tube to maneuver your way through overhanging limbs or hard to reach places. Drop into the water at that perfect place and enjoy some exciting fishing.

LBF Member: dwaynez
1105. Dowsizing for more bass  Bass Fishing
When fishing gets tough, try downisizing. Using a smaller bait on smaller line can increase your ability to catch fish.


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