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Wachusett Reservoir

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Vital Statistics for this Fishing Spot
Nearest City: Worcester
County(s): Worcester
State: Massachusetts
Acres: 4,135
Shoreline: 37 miles
Mean Depth: 45'
Max. Depth: 129'
Lake Type: M.D.C. Reservoir
Fish Species: Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Largemouth Bass, Rainbow Trout, Smallmouth Bass, White Bass, White Perch, Yellow Perch
Wachusett Reservoir Weather
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Wachusett Reservoir Description

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Wachusett Reservoir State Records

Species Size Angler Date
Smallmouth Bass 8 lbs 2 oz Barbara Sasen 1991
White Perch 3 lbs 2 oz Ray Richford 1994
Brown Trout 19 lbs 10 oz Dana Deblois 1966
Lake Trout 24 lbs 0 oz Michael Sienkiewicz 2004
Rainbow Trout 13 lbs 13 oz Jeffrey Greco 1999
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Garry L | Posted: January 25, 2003

fishing is allowed at wachusett between the first of april and the last day in november. No boats are allowed so the key to fishing here for lakers is to find deep water within casting distance from shore. Large spoons (1/2 ounce) such as kastmasters, krocodiles, and little cleos are probably the best lures to use when targetting lake trout. Cast the spoon out and let it sink to the bottom. watch the line as it sinks because fish will often strike on the drop.If you see the line do anything unusual set the hook. If not when the lure makes it to the bottom start a slow retrieve. As far as colors go, i prefer anything with perch colors, as perch are a forage fish for most predatory species. Also, any lure that has spots on it is great for when the fish are spawning. Lake trout lay there eggs near the surface in open water. As the eggs sink they will often be fed on by other lake trout in the area. This is the response you are looking for by using a spoon with spots on it. The spots simulate sinking eggs.

Joe | Posted: August 23, 2007

Fished Wachusett yesterday (8/23/07). Much to my dismay, it was quite unproductive and we only caught some very small smallmouth/perch. Does anyone out there know where to fish that is particularly good? There are many gates and it's such a big body of water that I'm feeling without some insight I'll have nothing but frustration there. Any tohughts wopuld be appreciated. My e-mail is [email protected]

mike  | Posted: September 11, 2013

i fished there the first time last april! no trout,salmon or smallies but i did land a 4lbs 13oz largemouth. the guys i was with,who fish it regularly said its rare to catch such a big largemouth here! its a trout salmon and smally game here

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