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Fishing Information

I'd like to tell you my favorite fishing story, it was back in 2001. me and a buddy were gonna go swimming in this creek by my house. what we didnt realize was, was that the native trout from the river were trying to get in to this creek to spawn. so we rode our bikes back got our fishing rods and came back to the creek. we both threw on some prince nymphs (neither of us didnt have a fly rod yet so we used a regular fishing rod). we were fishing for hours caught about 40 fish and only kept 3 of the biggest, they were 2 22" browns and 1 21" rainbow. it was the best fishin day i'd ever had.

Personal Background

i've been fishing my whole life, ive been fly fishing for about 2 years. i started fly tying way before that. i dont know why i like fly fishing, perhaps because of the tranquil water flowing calmly past, or the relaxation of casting the line, maybe its the feeling of a trout rising to the top to take your dry fly imitation or a brown trout stealing your fly as the strike indicator is dragged under water or perhaps all of the above, You tell me.

Boat Information

Boat name: Dad's Boat
me and my friend patched the two holes that were delaying us of fishing, we recarpeted the floor and have decided to call it "Dad's Boat". all we need to do now is sand down the ores and throw it in the back of my friends truck.

My Fishing Favorites

Lure #1: Elk Hair Caddis(tan, olive) Lake (State): Lehigh River(PA)Kings River(CA)
Lure #2: Bead Head Wooley Bugger Fishing Rod: Dogwood Canyon 9' 6Wt Fly Rod
Lure #3: Bead Head Prince Nymph Fishing Reel: Matching Dogwood Canyon Fly Reel
Technique #1: nymphing Fishing Line: Hi-Vis Orange Hobbs Creek Float Line
Technique #2: stripping Time of Year: all year round
Technique #3: twitching Fishing Store: the fly shop, hook and hackle, others
Fish #1: Rainbow Trout Fishing Partner: Ryan Lauer(a.k.a. Tim, from TU TV)
Fish #2: Brown Trout Attractant: flies
Fish #3: Brook Trout Tournament Trail: none
Fishing Book: A.K. Best advanced Fly Tying Fishing Video: none

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