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Fool-a-Fish Company Information
Dr. Jeckle, president of Vision Outdoors, Inc., obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry in 1959 and pursued advance studies in Physical Chemistry. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, graduating with high honors.

In addition to working at a busy medical practice in Spokane, Wash., Dr. Jeckle has always actively studied chemistry, physics, crystal structures, mathematics, astronomy and the biological sciences.

An avid fisherman, Dr. Jeckle was intrigued when scientists recently discovered that while humans see three colors — red, green-yellow and blue — fish with skeletons and birds see a fourth color in the ultraviolet (UVA) range. Invisible to the human eye, this high-energy radiation causes skin to tan and, as researchers at the Johnsen Lab at Duke University found, it enables fish to more easily spot prey such as plankton.

And because UVA light travels up to 1/2-mile in water, while visble light travels up to just 40 feet, this reflective quality is effective over long distances.

Dr. Jeckle set out to understand how this knowledge could be applied to catching fish. He identified certain icroscopic crystals that are highly reflective of UVA light and learned how to use a polymer film to cause them to adhere to a lure or bait.

Treated with these flashing, iridescent crystals, baits and lures attract fish from great distances whenever the sun is above the horizon — even on dark and stormy days, as clouds are easily penetrated by UVA light.

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