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Frustrated Game Warden

A hillbilly went hunting one day in Oklahoma and bagged three ducks. He put them in the bed of his pickup truck and was about to drive home when he was confronted by an ornery game warden who didn't like hillbillies. The game warden ordered the hillbilly to show his hunting license, and the hillbilly pulled out a valid Oklahoma hunting license. The game warden looked at the license, then reached over and picked up one of the ducks, sniffed its butt, and said "This duck ain't from Oklahoma. This is a Kansas duck. You got a Kansas huntin' license, boy?" The hillbilly reached into his wallet and produced a Kansas hunting license. The game warden looked at it, then reached over and grabbed the second duck, sniffed its butt, and said "This ain't no Kansas duck. This duck's from Arkansas. You got a Arkansas license?" The hillbilly reached into his wallet and produced an Arkansas hunting license. The warden then reached over and picked up the third duck, sniffed its butt, and said This ain't no Arkansas duck. This here duck's from South Carolina. You got a South Carolina huntin' license?" Again the hillbilly reached into his wallet and brought out a South Carolina hunting license. The game warden was extremely frustrated at this point, and he yelled at the hillbilly "Just where the hell are you from?" The hillbilly turned around, bent over, dropped his pants, and said "You tell me, expert."

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max kirby | Posted: December 17, 2008

Its to long to read. make a shorter joke.

sharon | Posted: December 17, 2008

a big thumbs up...i really enjoyed this joke.keep'em coming....ha!ha! very funny.

joshua aaron | Posted: November 10, 2008

that was funny

cathy | Posted: May 15, 2008

very funny

pigman | Posted: April 28, 2008


kala | Posted: November 30, 2007

thumbs up

jamz1074 | Posted: August 16, 2006

That was a good one!!

Adam Anderson | Posted: July 26, 2006

thumbs up

Ben Sarratt | Posted: May 22, 2006

The joke was one of the best jokes I have ever herd! I wish I could think of something like that.

jake | Posted: May 16, 2006


merle haggared | Posted: February 14, 2006

that's better than greasy bacon

brad idiot | Posted: December 7, 2005

I thought this was a very funny joke and hilarious and I wish i could get more jokes for my friends

ethan | Posted: November 21, 2005

its funny because im from oklahoma

brian | Posted: October 23, 2005

Heard it before in many different, but similar versions.

Frank | Posted: October 21, 2005

Thought it was a very good hunting joke told others this and they just could not stop laughing.

don | Posted: November 24, 2004

still laffin !

drew | Posted: July 25, 2004

It was dumb. It wasn't easy to find the joke in it.

doneal | Posted: July 25, 2004

thumbs up

chris | Posted: April 16, 2004

waste of my time!!!lol