1) The lower forward corner of a triangular sail. 2) The direction that a boat is sailing with respect to the wind. 3) To change a boat's direction, bringing the bow through the eye of the wind.
1) To change a boat's direction, bringing the bow through the eye of the wind. 2) To tack repeatedly, as when trying to sail to a point upwind of the boat.
Lines used with blocks in order move heavy objects.
1) The end of a line. 2) A line attached to the end of a wire to make it easier to use. 3) To gather the unused end of a line neatly so that it does not become tangled.
Take in
1) To remove a sail. 2) To add a reef to a sail.
A small line free to flow in the direction of the breeze. It is attached to sails, stays in the slot and in other areas, enabling the helmsman and crew to see how the wind is flowing. Proper use of the telltales can help sailors improve their sail trim.
A dinghy.
Tidal current
Also called tidal stream. The flowing of water caused by the rising and lowering tidal waters.
The predictable, regular rising and lowering of water in some areas due to the pull of the sun and the moon. Tidal changes can happen approximately every six or 12 hours, depending on the region. To find out the time and water levels of different tides, you can use tide tables for your area. The period of high water level is known as high tide, and the period of low water level is known as low tide.
An arm attached to the top of the rudder to steer a small boat. If the helmsman wants to steer to starboard, he pushes the tiller to port. Larger boats usually use a wheel instead of a tiller.
Toe rail
A small rail around the deck of a boat. The toe rail may have holes in it to attach lines or blocks. A larger wall in place of the rail is known as a gunwale.
1) Situated above the topmast and below the royal mast on a sailing vessel. 2) Higher than the adjoining parts of a ship: said of a rail, deck, etc.
Top heavy
A boat that has too much weight up high. This can adversely affect the boat's stability.
A mast on top of another mast.
1) On a square-rigged vessel, a sail directly above the lowest sail on a mast. 2) On a fore-and-aft-rigged vessel, the next sail above the gaff of a fore-and-aft sail.
Topsail schooner
A fore-and-aft-rigged schooner carrying a square topsail and a topgallant sail on the foretopmast.
The sides of the hull above the waterline and below the deck.
To pull a boat with another boat, such as a tugboat towing a barge.
Towing light
Running lights that should be used by boats when towing to indicate that a tow is in progress.
Trade wind
Winds in certain areas known for their consistent strength and direction. Trade winds are named because of their reliability, allowing for planned voyages along the routes favored by those winds.
Trailing edge
The aft edge of a sail, more commonly called the leech.
Also called a range. Two navigational aids separated in distance so that they can be aligned to determine that a boat lies on a certain line. Transits can be used to determine a boat's position or to guide it through a channel.
The aft side of the hull.
A bar with an attached block, allowing more controlled adjustment of sail trim.
1) To haul in on a sheet to adjust the sail trim. 2) Sail trim. 3) A properly balanced boat that floats evenly on its waterline. Improperly trimmed boats may list or lie with their bow or stern too low in the water.
A boat with a center hull and two smaller outer hulls called amas.
Trip line
A line attached to the end of an anchor to help free it from the ground.
Tropical cyclone
An intense tropical weather system with a well-defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 miles per hour (64 knots or higher in the Southwest Indian Ocean. In other parts of the world, they are known as hurricanes, typhoons and severe tropical cyclones.
Also called storm trysail. A very strong sail used in stormy weather. It is loose footed, being attached to the mast but not the boom. This helps prevent boarding waves from damaging the sail or the rigging.
A small, powerful boat used to help move barges and ships in confined areas.
A metal fitting that is turned to tighten or loosen the tension on standing rigging.
An intense tropical weather system with a well-defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 miles per hour (64 knots or higher in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (west of the International Date Line). In other parts of the world, they are known as hurricanes, tropical cyclones and severe tropical cyclones.