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Missile Baits

Missile Baits Company Information
MISSILE BAITS is a small company dedicated to creating SERIOUS soft plastic baits to help anglers catch more fish. Our designs are straight off the top-level professional bass tour, mostly from my head. Each of our baits is unique and tested to make sure they are just right. When you pick up a bag of MISSILE BAITS soft plastics, know those baits are being fished in the world’s biggest bass tournaments when only the best will cut it.

Based in Salem, Virginia, MISSILE BAITS will work relentlessly to make the best baits, show their customers how to use them, and stay on the cutting edge of bass fishing. New products and videos will continue to come out. We love hearing from our customers and hope you catch the biggest bass or tournament winning fish on our baits!

Get ya some!
John Crews, President and Owner

View all Missile Baits products here at LandBigFish