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iRod Company Information
When it comes to a fishing rod, your hands tell the story. From the moment you grab hold of an iRod you can feel the finest technology in the industry at work. This isn't a coincidence or an accident, this happened because these rods were literally designed, tested, created and used by some of the best pro bass anglers in the world. Each pro designed rods for their strongest techniques where they incorporated all the fine details that make each iRod perfect for the job. Each pro has put years of experience into the design of the rods.

What does this mean to you? It means that iRods are the most technologically advanced and comfortable fishing rods on the market. iRods are bridging the gap between the high cost of technology and affordability. We know once you've got an iRod in your hands you'll feel what we are talking about. Feel one today!

View all iRod products here at LandBigFish