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Dan Fallon's August Fly Fishing Column

Dan Fallon's August Fly Fishing Column Dan Fallon's August Fly Fishing Column
By Dan Fallon

“ Empress Of the Northern Waters “

It is with much personal pleasure and sincere admiration I introduce this months legendary, internationally recognized Alaskan Fly Fisher, instructor, guide. A sister of Diane, the Goddess of all things that are wild. When I imagine the pantheon of international fly fishers in mythic geographical terms.

My imaginary fly kingdom would possess a soul wise enough, yet sensitive and healing enough to represent the far north and its often severe conditions. This fly fisher rules her northern waters with a velvet glove full of healing fly fishing sanctuary.

Alaska’s answer to the question, “ Has America’s female population become soft, complacent? “ Cecilia “ Pudge” Kleinkauf an Alaskan National Treasure with a reputation of serious devotion to both fly fishing and its healing powers in regard to woman’s health and spiritual needs, a force to be reckoned with!

Empress House Rules

“ We figured it out years ago that men shouldn’t teach their wives to drive. Well, they shouldn’t teach them to fish, either.”

Ms. Klienkauf has been an early advocate of woman learning the intricacies of our complicated sport from other woman as a solution to FFS, Fear of Failure Syndrome that has inflicted many woman drawn to the sport. Before unfolding the impressive background of this dedicated Anchorage sportsperson. How can anyone argue with the common sense rational of woman finding it much easier and less threatening to - be taught this esoteric once male dominated sport by members of their own gender? Though, I personally have taught a few ladies how to throw bugs and chase game fish. I prey they hopefully had a positive experience and learned a thing or two…

The Kleinkauf fly-fishing dossier is impressive and sets the stage for understanding this accomplished fly fisher whom has lived in Alaska since 1969. Pudge is known for her informative fly tying class’s, casting clinics, and slide shows conducted in Alaska and the lower forty-eight states. Newspapers have written feature articles and the affiliates of all three major television networks in Alaska recognized this months featured “ Empress Of The North “. A Masters degree in social work and a law degree from Seattle University make a clear statement in regard to this fly fishers measure of social awareness.


When asked what sort of wind blew her down the endless river chasing fish with imitation insects, “ Fly Fishing was something I did for a chance to be outdoors in a relaxing and satisfying way. Once other woman started asking me to teach them or take them along on my fly-fishing outings. I realized that I wanted to help them to find what I had found through this wonderful sport.”

The healing aspects of fly-fishing are probably best understood by researching pro-active groups like CFR “ Casting For Recovery “. This organization helps breast cancer survivors heal and find solace in the fly-fishing arts.
Phone Susan Balch (888-553-3500) IFWFF International Woman Fly Fishers (800) 919-2252 E-Mail [email protected] or for Sister Anglers, Fly fishing info for woman by woman E-Mail [email protected]

Early on Pudge recognized the need for focused personal attention while teaching or guiding her fly fishing clients. “ One of my best business decisions was to stay small enough so I can lead every trip we offer and so that I can be personally involved with all my clients. “

This nationally known fly fisher, naturalist is no shrinking violet in her over view of self. “ One word that describes me when it comes to Fly-Fishing-avid, when it comes to my business-dedicated. When it comes to my basic personality-tenacious. When it comes to personal relationships-accepting.” Past students of the Keinkauf Method say the experience is life changing and a lot of fun. “ I was always afraid to enroll in one of those big boy’s male run fly fishing schools. The mere thought of screwing up in a pool of testosterone never really appealed to me. With Pudge, it’s gently and often humorously spoon-fed. I loved the training, she is the best.” Another past client found a new way to deal with tension… “ I have a very high stress job in a hospital as a nurse dealing with often highly emotional circumstances. The time I spent with Pudge learning how to cast and tie flies has been soul saving for me. I can now segway into my fly tying books or just go fly fishing instead of sitting around and worrying for another endless period.”

The healing aspect to Ms. Kleinkauf’s method of fly-fishing instruction manifested within her own survival from serious cancer. I personally urge any ladies thinking about learning the complicated ambiguous high end version of this sport, call Pudge and get ready for a soulful learning, healing introduction without tension, full of joy.

Ms. Kleinkauf has not been confined to the Alaskan wilderness in her quest for fly-fishing nirvana. Way down south in Baja California exists a world-class fly-fishing venue owned by Gary and Yvonne Graham Baja On the Fly. Yvonne Graham is current President of Woman’s Federation of Fly Fishers “ While down Mexico way Pudge sampled the salt water fly action and landed several species. It is my hope the world can somehow generate many more caretakers of the fly fishers code of respect and Zen like healing qualities we all cherish. I take my cap off to Pudge and sleep a bit sounder knowing she has all that northern water under her healing management… Contact Pudge at “ Woman’s Fly Fishing “ (907) 274-7113 or E-Mail [email protected]

American & Carson Rivers July 2002

It’s 6am, air temperature hovering around 30/35 degree’s as I slowly creep up on the fast moving American this morning June, 2002. I’m up here a bit early for this river to be very fly fishy. Its moving fast and it will be a little dangerous as I want to wade into a special area where I can throw into deeper slower water and move my streamers into places I know trout are holding. I have fished this area before and I know it well, every curve and boulder where trout have hidden in past years. This morning I’m carrying my Walt Powell - Bamboo 4/6 weight as he deemed it. A taunt custom-made heirloom quality Bamboo I prefer to use whenever I can. It easily reaches out 60-70 feet when I need to. I have caught many trout and salmon on this rod. I use a J Ryall Reel, which is a special signature reel that I also cherish. I throw my first black “ Fallon Slayer “ streamer into deep edge water, still fast, but close to the edge. Bang, fish on in a just an instant. Great sign any morning anywhere, I play the 15-inch rainbow and gently let him go. The area around the fast moving American is lush and green with just enough decaying brown plant material to make a perfect insect nursery. The bugs are out in force, midges, mosquitoes, Caddis looking larvae everywhere. The American is running healthy and fast, a thrill to navigate and throw flies on. I spend the day moving up and down my favorite area near the bottom of the hills before you head toward Lake Tahoe is all I will reveal. This is one of my secret always catch fish places. This water is a grand symphony of good health, butterflies, dragonflies, all manner of creepy crawly agents of the water and mud are represented. It is a humbling, satisfying joy to wade out into this cold rushing water and taste, smell the mighty American in her early summer rage for life, k knowing I will fool several healthy fat trout… I throw bugs up and down about a two-mile stretch that takes all morning on into early afternoon. It has been a near perfect time on this fine vigorous river.

East Fork Carson River Mountain to Desert

Like an old friend waiting with single malt scotch and a big smile, the East Fork of the Carson River that runs from the mountains into Carson City Nevada, fly fisher nirvana. This morning I hike in about two miles from any road and follow the Carson until I see wide pools and ripples near a bridge. It is perfect fly throwing atmosphere, snow covered mountains all around as the slow moving river so clear and smooth and easy to understand unfolds all around me. I see surface action and tie on a small #22 Mosquito with a streamer dropper about 14 inches of tippet on the dropper. Third throw, bam a fish on a nice 12-inch Rainbow full of early summer fight. Within two hours I catch and release twenty -three trout 8/20-inch range. A special morning not to be forgotten, to be remembered again this winter by a raging fire. This river and this place nestled between mountain ranges, exploding in color and clear clean water. A thrill for hardcore bug throwers, another big dose of the drug that has held me in its tight grasp for so many perfect endless moments. I duplicate the whole experience the next day and release 10 nice fish and drink in the splendor of this water that runs into the desert…

Number One

This outstanding web sight (LandBigFish) has been chosen number one by Forbes Magazine. Congratulations to a talented staff and management. A story I was a part of titled “ Spare The Rod published in Chico California, has been chosen number one sports story in California 2001, Congratulations to Devanie Angel and her editors at the “ Chico News & Review “ Contact

“Adventures Of Fletcher Quill “

Quill looked out the castle window muttering to himself,” Dam, CIA, Parffa could get these guys into colors other then that black, even the choppers are black, wonder if Will Spiff and Robby Lee Bones Men In Black and the CIA are trying to tell us something, hey Timba?” Timba’s cat radar is tracking a spider crawling across the steep castle walls. He tries in vain three quick, less then accurate leaps that nearly use up the last few of his nine lives. Quill and Timba have been tying streamers with the newly acquired Ancient Mummy hair, and they are quite eye catching. Quill always takes as much pride in how he packages and presents these unique bits of ancient history via hand tied flies. He has blue crystal jewelry box’s laser inscribed with authenticity of the fly and a serial number ID chip that can be computer tracked anywhere in the world. Quill loves to brag,” If you spend a fortune buying one of these highly collectable flies tied with the ancient materials only I have acquired. No one can ever take it away from you. We can pinpoint its whereabouts and retrieve it in three days time. “ Quill stands outside on the roof of the castle once known as Dunluce and watches the gray suits pile out of the chopper. Tiny black earphones dangling in the Irish wind. “ What’s up boys, Will I be expecting a surprise visit from the man from Texas?” “If we find this area is secure and you are obliged Mr. Quill? The President and two of his associates would like a brief word?” “ Of course, like I could say, ah, no today won’t do, Maybe I could fit you in after the September bird Shoot?” Quill noticed the boys all in their mid to late thirties, veterans of serious situations quickly surmised the privacy and tranquility if you will of ‘ Raven’s Haven “” What a fortress this castle is, hell its more secure then anywhere but the Whitehouse these days.” Quill held up Timba, “ Here we have the absolute cutting edge in home security. This little guy gives me all the warning I need.” “ Ok, Mr. Quill the Presidents chopper will be here in about five minutes. Please take us to where you will talk with him sir.”

Fletcher felt just a bit uneasy and over exposed at the idea of a one on one with the world most powerful man. “ Welcome to my humble abode Mr. President.” “ Quill, you are hard to find and man do I like that! Reminds me of my Texas Ranch, hell we can see dust fly before you get anywhere near my corral.” “ We share that need to stay secure Mr. President, what can I do for you or rather for the country sir?” “ You must understand I have my hands full these days, Middle East ready to explode, economy heading south faster then Parffa Whoweirds Stock advisor. My advisors stopped me this morning and asked, “ What the hell can an eccentric fly fishing writer/fly collector do to help his country?” “ Must admit, have had the same conversations with Timba, we are mystified!”

“Ok Quill, here it is as I see it. Both negotiating teams in this Middle East mess are fly fishers or wanna be fly fishers. You are one of the only fly writers we think famous enough and connected enough to impress these boys and take them on a once in a lifetime fly trip. We will have everything bugged of course and you will have a short list of possible negotiating scenarios to propose to them. We are not asking you to do or say anything out of the ordinary as a fly fisher/writer. But, the whole idea here is for us to provide the most non-threatening, neutral atmosphere to get these talks back on track. We are stalemated and have no other ideas to pose to these guys who hate each other so intensely.” “ I’m speechless and of course will do whatever I can Mr. President. But, I do have one or two requests. If I could be allowed to rummage around the Smithsonian’s rare feathers collection and be given the highest level of diplomatic traveling papers, it would compensate me for the time and energy away from my own projects.” “ Done, Quill, I know you been hanging around my main man from the south Phil, he says you’re the man and that works for me. I did take a look at your Vietnam War record Quill, you did what was asked and then some.”” That was a long time ago sir, another time another world.” “ Listen carefully to me Quill, if you succeed in this I will make sure we bring you in on the next round of Irish Peace talks as well. You and I from now on can reach each other by this phone we are leaving with you. Any other questions before we go?” “ Only where and when will this fly trip happen and do I get to input possible waters?” “ Yes, up to a point, we have a short list and will leave it with you. Last matter will be the dam press. Best not to mention any of this in your monthly fly column or to friends, girlfriends just yet savvy? ” “ Mr. President, I love my country and will gladly work fly fishing into any possible peace seeking adventure you deem appropriate. One more question if I might. With all the insider trading and CEO book cooking going on, will I be hit with any surprises in regard to you or the Vice President dancing around the same kind of issues as the media is alluding to?” Fletcher, you more then anyone must understand what moving targets all politicians are these days! My team and I are maybe not squeaky clean, but, we anticipate no earth shattering revelations in the near future. I know we are asking a lot of you, frankly it has come to this point in our world where any neutral, calming ground is to be savored and put to use in these stalemated peace talks. Who can argue with the soul quieting effects of spending time on rivers and streams?”

As the Presidents chopper moved off the castle roof, Quill and Timba headed for the fly tying room and Quill considered the events of the morning. The legends of Saint Patrick’s adventures kept running around in his mind. In one legend the Druids were supposed to light a sacred flame upon the hill of Tara. Patrick in an act of defiance to the old High King lit his own fire before the Druids could light theirs. Fletcher pondered what his fate would have been had he declined to help his country and that Banty Rooster from the state where America’s heart has always beat the strongest, Texas… Before that thought could settle, Timba began another low guttural growl indicating another visitor. This time it is a bright colored speedboat worth a small fortune approaching the castle dock.

You can read each monthly segment to "The Adventures of Fletcher Quill" in the LBF Fly Fishing Section.

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