Skipper's Marina is a full service boat storage facility located near Lake Michigan on the Calumet River in Chicago, Illinois.
We specialize in indoor, outdoor storage all year round.
All services are available at your point of departure... GASOLINE, BOATING SUPPLIES, PUMP OUT STATION, MECHANICS, YARD PERSONNEL...DOWNSCOPE!
With Skipper's Marina, you can enjoy the satisfaction of: Secure, Inside, Dry Storage,
Quick, Safe, Daily Launchings, Direct Access to Lake Michigan, and Illinois Waterways,
Protection and Security and NO need for a trailer.
Location Within the State:
Total Dock Slips:
Contact Marina
Transient Slips:
Contact Marina
VHF Channels:
Contact Marina
Contact Marina
Credit Cards:
Visa, MC, AMEX, Discover
Nearest Fishing:
Lake Michigan
Pumpout, Fuel, Transient Docks, Ice, Restaurant/Bar, Launch Ramps, Repairs, Sales, Marine Supplies, Overnight Parking, Picnic Area, Pets Allowed
We are the HOME of the DOWNSCOPE!
From Interstate 94
Take the 130th Street Exit going West. Continue going West on 130th Street until you reach Indiana Avenue. On Indiana Avenue make a left (South). Continue going South on Indiana Avenue until you reach 134th Street. Make a left on 134th Street (East). Continue going East on 134th Street. You will pass 2 stop signs. After the second stop sign, proceed about 30 feet and make a right on the gravel road (Vernon Avenue).... Skipper's Marina.
From Interstate 57
Take the 127th Street Exit going East. Continue going East on 127th Street until 127th Street becomes 130th Street. Continue until you get to Indiana Avenue. Make a right on Indiana Avenue (South). Continue going South on Indiana Avenue until you reach 134th Street. Make a left on 134th Street (East). Continue going East on 134th Street. You will pass 2 stop signs. After the second stop sign, proceed about 30 feet and make a right on the gravel road (Vernon Avenue).... Skipper's Marina.
Water Directions:
Skipper's Marina is located near Lake Michigan on the Calumet River (Mile Post 322.4).
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